(250) 307-7365 info@sageenvironmental.ca
How to Protect Riparian Areas in BC

How to Protect Riparian Areas in BC

Riparian areas are zones of vegetation that border streams and lakes. They provide valuable habitat for wildlife, especially fish, and help maintain water quality and quantity. In BC, riparian areas are protected by a regulation called Riparian Areas Protection...

Phase I ESA – Who, What, When?

A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I ESA) is a systematic process to identify and evaluate the potential for contamination on a property. A Phase I ESA can help you avoid liability, reduce risks, and comply with environmental regulations. Sage...

Site Disclosure Statements

By Kristen Cockburn, PAg In February 2021 an update was made to the BC Environmental Management Act (EMA) and the Contaminated Sites Regulation (CSR) in which the former Site Profile process was replaced by Site Disclosure Statements (SDS).  A SDS is a replacement for...