(250) 307-7365 info@sageenvironmental.ca


Okanagan Phase I ESA
Environmental Site Assessments

Book your Okanagan Phase I ESA with us below!

We deliver timely and accurate Okanagan Phase I ESAs, so you can satisfy your property financiers, buyers, and regulators sooner.

Do You Need A
Phase I ESA Completed For A Property?

Buying / Selling Property

Assess The Liability of Your Property Prior to Sale, Divestiture, or Tenancy

Obtaining Financing For Real Estate Transactions

Meet Regulatory Requirements or Orders


Contact us for your Phase I ESA project scoping, schedule, and a quote.


Approve the plan and budget to retain our Phase I ESA services. 


We will provide a reliable and useful Phase I ESA due diligence report.


Phase I ESA Benefits

Un-managed contaminant liabilities can result in financial risk, human health concerns, ecological risk, and regulatory concerns for owners, buyers, financiers, and proponents. 

Book your Okanagan Phase I ESA with us below!

Guidance On Potential Property Liabilities And How To Manage Them

In compliance with the CSA Standard “Z768-01 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment”

A Phase I Report Trusted By Okanagan Financial Institutions

We’ve built relationships with Financial Institutions across the Okanagan

Fast, Personal Service, From Local Experts

With an average 10 day turnaround, you’ll get certainty in your timeline for time crunched real estate transactions.


What Does a Phase I ESA Include?

Our Phase I ESAs are compliant with the CSA Standard “Z768-01 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment”, and include:

  • An aerial photo review of your property and surrounding area
  • A review of historical City directories for your address to identify any historical liabilities
  • A site inspection to identify any potential liabilities 
  • and more.

Phase I FAQ

What is a Phase I ESA and why do I need one?

A Phase I ESA is an assessment for environmental risk management tool used by buyers, sellers, financiers, insurers and regulators to assess and manage for potential contamination on or around a property.

How long does a Phase I ESA take and how much does it cost?
Our Phase I ESAs have an average turnaround of 10 business days. Pricing is specific to the location but we can provide you a cost in our initial discussion.
Do you need to take samples for a Phase I ESA?
No. The first step is determining if a site has potential for contamination that presents a risk to the environment or human health. We use the historical information for a property to determine areas that are most likely going to have been affected by historical or current activities, as well as to determine the substances that may be present, and where those contaminants may be present such as soil, groundwater, or soil vapour. 
What are the benefits of hiring a qualified environmental professional for a Phase I ESA?
It is a requirement to have contaminated sites assessment performed and overseen by qualified professionals in BC. The professional completing the assessment must have the Right to Practice governed by one of the Regulatory bodies of the Province (ex. BC Institute of Agrologists, Engineers and Geoscientists of BC). This ensures a standard of education and ability within the set of available practitioners.
What are the limitations and risks of a Phase I ESA?
Phase I ESAs rely upon published reports, records, historical documents and a site visit. While thorough, the scope of this assessment does not include environmental sampling and so can only provide recommendations based on historical and current data as no new data about environmental quality is generated. If warranted, sampling and analysis may be recommended through a Phase II ESA to determine if potential contaminants of concern are present. 
How can I prepare for a Phase I ESA and what documents do I need to provide?
After engaging Sage, you can provide us with applicable company records, buildings and site details, historic environmental reports, access to the property for investigation, and contact information for people familiar with the history of the Site. We will provide some tools like fillable forms to complete related to site history and agency letters for signing to allow us to conduct record searches related to the property.
What happens after the Phase I ESA?
We will provide you with the assessment and any recommendations including next steps. Often the completion of the Phase I ESA is all that is needed to control environmental risks. Sometimes further investigation such as Phase II ESA, including drilling and sampling is recommended. Next steps are often based on a risk tolerance of yourself and/or your financier. 


Phase I Articles

Contamination Impacts from Wildfire

Contamination Impacts from Wildfire

The increased frequency and intensity of wildfire is causing significant effects on communities, livelihood and the landscape of British Columbia and abroad. An often unseen and lingering effect of wildfire is the risk of contamination due to the wildfire....

Fire Impacts of Invasive Species

Fire Impacts of Invasive Species

By: Skye Wolfe, PAg In November 2023, I attended the Integrated Vegetation Management Association's (IVMA) 2023 Biennial Forum, which highlighted many important topics surrounding invasive plant management in our changing climate. The one topic that really...

Book Your Phase I ESA

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3101 29th St #8
Vernon, BC  V1T 5A8
(250) 307-7365

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Kelowna, BC 
(778) 760-4727

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