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Property Redevelopment and Schedule 2 Uses

Property Redevelopment and Schedule 2 Uses

Schedule 2 uses are land uses or operations that are associated with a higher likelihood of potential impacts to soil, water and soil vapour.  Common examples of Schedule 2 uses are gas stations, dry cleaners, and automotive repair. An identified Schedule 2 use does not mean that a property is contaminated. It does mean assessment is likely to be requested by the Ministry of Environment (BC ENV) prior to potential development, subdivision or change in zoning.

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Phase I ESA – Who, What, When?

At Sage Environmental Consulting Ltd., we have over 15 years of experience in conducting Phase I ESAs for various types of properties and projects in BC. Our team of qualified professionals can help you meet your environmental obligations and objectives with high-quality service and expertise. Contact us today to find out how we can assist you with your Phase I ESA needs.

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Why Wetlands

Why Wetlands

By Nicole Plysiuk BIT We keep hearing about the importance of wetlands and how we are losing wetland habitat but what’s the big deal? Don’t we want to get rid of the standing water? Isn’t it just mosquito breeding grounds? Wetlands provide a multitude of ecological...

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Contamination Impacts from Wildfire

Contamination Impacts from Wildfire

The increased frequency and intensity of wildfire is causing significant effects on communities, livelihood and the landscape of British Columbia and abroad. An often unseen and lingering effect of wildfire is the risk of contamination due to the wildfire....

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Fire Impacts of Invasive Species

Fire Impacts of Invasive Species

By: Skye Wolfe, PAg In November 2023, I attended the Integrated Vegetation Management Association's (IVMA) 2023 Biennial Forum, which highlighted many important topics surrounding invasive plant management in our changing climate. The one topic that really...

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Considerations when Assessing for Contamination.

Considerations when Assessing for Contamination.

By Kristen Cockburn – PAg. Making a shortlist of Potential Contaminants When completing an Phase I Environmental Site Assessment or Stage 1 Preliminary Site Investigation, we review the current and historical land uses of the Site, to identify the potential for...

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Detailed Site Investigations (DSI)

Detailed Site Investigations (DSI)

Phase II Environmental Site Assessment and Stage 2 Preliminary Site Investigation that identify contamination often recommend a Detailed Site Investigations (DSI).  A DSI finds the extents of contamination to quantify impacts to soil, groundwater and soil vapour. The details on contaminant type, severity and amount will inform further remediation or risk assessment options.  A DSI may include off-Site investigations if contamination has moved past the Site boundaries. A DSI is required prior to remediation for any type of permit release or Certification Document from the Ministry of Environment (BC ENV).

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Effective Construction Environmental Monitoring

Effective Construction Environmental Monitoring

Construction Environmental Monitoring is required as a condition of permitting when construction is proposed near habitats or sensitive ecosystems. Lets talk about what is environmental monitoring is. What the benefit of effective environmental monitoring for constructions projects are. And, who can conduct Construction Environmental Monitoring in BC.

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Site Disclosure Statements

Under the EMA, a Site Disclosure Statement SDS is required to be submitted to municipalities as part of an application for permits, including:

·         Development permits

·         Building permits that will disturb soil on the property

·         Rezoning

·         Subdivision, or

·         Changes to the prescribed land use activity for non-residential properties.

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What can we learn from subsurface investigations?

What can we learn from subsurface investigations?

Written By: Kristen Cockburn, AAg Sonic drilling rig for a deep groundwater sampling well When an Area of Potential Environmental Concern (APEC) is identified as part of a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (Phase 1 ESA), we provide recommendations for a Phase II...

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What we learn from City Directories

What we learn from City Directories

Written By: Kristen Cockburn, AAg City Directories are one source we use to understand the historical uses of a property and what was present within the surrounding area.  City directories listed businesses in the city and served as a means of advertising for...

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What can we learn from Fire Insurance Plans?

What can we learn from Fire Insurance Plans?

Written By: Kristen Cockburn, AAg In completing a Phase I ESA (Environmental Site Assessment), we use lots of different information sources to form a picture of land uses on a property and surrounding area through history.  Some land uses have the potential to...

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Things we learn from aerial photos

Things we learn from aerial photos

Written By: Kristen Cockburn, AAg When completing a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) on a property, there are key elements that are required to be included; one of which is a review of historical aerial photos of the property and the surrounding area. This...

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